home-dry Partner
Growe Holzschutz AG
Schädlings- und Hausschwammbekämpfung
Herr B. Lehmann
Haltenweg 3, 3123 Belp
079 621 67 27
PJ Positor AG
Baurealisation / Bauleitungen
Herr M. Jenny
Lindenbachstrasse 11, 8006 Zürich
044 360 24 24
TS Holzbau
Holz- und Innenausbau / Dachdeckerarbeiten / Möbelanfertigung
Herr T. Schläpfer
Ufgäntstrasse 3, 8608 Bubikon
055 243 23 08
Lüthi Gebäudehüllen AG
Bedachungen / Fassadenbau
Herr B. Lüthi
Langfeldstrasse 29, 4528 Zuchwil
032 686 85 11
home-dry – home-dry – We dry your building – sustainably and guaranteed.
home-dry is a family business. Since the 80’s we have gained extensive experience in the field of building drying. Our Swiss wall dehumidification system OMBRELLO® eliminates and prevents the cause of damp walls without structural measures, chemical-free and harmless to people, animals and plants. OMBRELLO® is therefore the most cost-effective alternative to structural remediation measures. Our clear service orientation enables us to offer a comprehensive, competent and satisfactory overall service. Every masonry dehumidification system we install is covered by the drainage and dry preservation guarantee.